Friday, March 20, 2009


A little sugar goes a loooooooong way-and stays in a little boys system for a looooooong time! Bowden found the sugar pot today and decided that when Mom isn't looking, it would be a good time to dump it out and shovel as much as possible in his mouth!. He was supposed to be playing with play dough but obviously found out that sugar makes it even tastier. I had to pick him up, brush of the sugar and head out the door. (We were off to meet Jerry's Dad for lunch). Bowden wanted pancakes and sausage-and of course syrup! he could not sit still in his chair and kept throwing crayons everywhere. So back home it was and time for a nap...YEAH RIGHT...honestly, he was literally climbing walls. I have never seen him act so silly-ever! So by 4pm he eventually crashed and wanted his crib. I let him sleep for an hour but he was still up till 10pm tonight. Benjamin is much better today and took a long afternoon nap (which has been rare lately because of his cold) I baked two cakes,made Lemingtons and started supper (tea) the whole time he was sleeping. I made yummy meatloaf, potatoes, biscuits (scones) and veggies. It was scruptous.
Jill (Solberg) came over and hung out for the afternoon. She is really good with kids and Both Bowden and Benjamin love her so much. Jerry left with two of his buddies to go Snowmobiling in Montana yesterday morning. I finally talked to him tonight from his motel. There is no cell ph service our there in the sticks i guess. They had a good time riding today but are really wiped out.
Jerry's Great Grandpa Martin ended up in the hospital last night. He had pains in his arm that wouldn't go away. He is in the heart clinic in St Cloud hospital right now and may be there for a few days. They don't really know if he had a heart attack or not - yet anyway. He is really confused and pulled out his IV. They believe his confusion is from the meds he is on. We are all hoping he pulls though.
That's all for tonight.

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